45-minute Salt Cave with BrainTap Relaxation Experience


Join the relaxation movement! While the active salt cave stimulates healing properties in the body, the BrainTap device evokes deep relaxation and autonomic nervous system health. Great for lung health, skin healing and increased energy production.

1 Person:
2 Person:
1-3 people including 1-2 child/children, but no brain tap experience:
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Join the relaxation movement! While the active salt cave stimulates healing properties in the body, the BrainTap device evokes deep relaxation and autonomic nervous system health. Great for lung health, skin healing and increased energy production.

Join the relaxation movement! While the active salt cave stimulates healing properties in the body, the BrainTap device evokes deep relaxation and autonomic nervous system health. Great for lung health, skin healing and increased energy production.